I’ll use the following topology:
Term | Description |
CE | Customer Edge |
PE | Provider Edge |
U-PE | User Provider Edge |
N-PE | Network Provider Edge |
UNI | User Network Interface |
VFI | Virtual Forwarding Instance |
VFI is also called VSI (Virtual Switching Instance). Cisco uses the term VFI.
VPLS is an MEF E-LAN service (MP2MP).
H-VPLS (Hierarchical Virtual Private LAN Service) is a way to scale VPLS. The issue with VPLS is that it requires a full mesh of PWs (pseudowires) between PEs. This doesn’t scale. In order to address this shortcoming, two types of PEs exist with H-VPLS: U-PE and N-PE. The User facing PE (U-PE) is the router connecting to the CE and the N-PE. Network facing PE peers with U-PEs and N-PEs. The U-PE only need to have a PW to the N-PE. But the N-PE still needs a full mesh of PWs to all other N-PEs, and also a PW to each U-PE.
Split Horizon
Since VPLS is a L2 service, special care must be taken to ensure that traffic doesn’t loop. L2 loops are deadly to a network. The reason why we need a full mesh between N-PEs has to do with split horizon. VPLS uses a virtual bridge port, called VFI (Virtual Forwarding Instance). This is where we terminate the PWs from other N-PEs. And if we were to send traffic received in on the VFI back out the VFI towards other N-PEs, a loop would be created:
Here a packet is being forwarded from the CE on the left (R5). The receiving PE (R7) encapsulates the packet in MPLS and sends it out its PW towards the egress PE (R8). With split horizon turned off, R8 would not only decapsulate the packet and send it out to the receiving CE (R9), it would also loop the packet back out its VFI for this VPLS towards another PE (R11). Split horizon is also turned off on R11, hence the packet is looped back to R7. Now a unidirectional loop has been created in the SP core network!
So, to avoid this meltdown of the network, split horizon is turned on for PWs in the VFI.
Data Plane
MPLS is mandatory with VPLS. We use MPLS for VPLS the same way we use it for L3 VPNs. A stack of two labels is added to traffic received from a CE on the ingress PE. One label (top label) determines the transport in the SP core towards the egress PE. This is equivalent to how the Loopback interface of a PE in L3 VPNs is reached. Also, a VPN label is used to determine which VPLS the egress PE has to use to forward the traffic to the correct CE.
Control Plane
With VPLS we have these options:
VPN Discovery
- Manual
- BGP (Auto Discovery)
Unless we configure it, VPLS uses Targeted LDP to signal the VPN label. BGP can be used both for AD (Auto Discovery) of the PEs and to provide VPN labels instead of LDP.
With H-VPLS certain restrictions regarding BGP AD apply. For example these ones:
This should leave us with the possibility to use BGP AD between N-PEs. I’ll explore this later.
H-VPLS Configuration
Now its time to have a bit of fun with a H-VPLS lab.
I’ve already configured an IGP+LDP between all routers. Remember that VPLS requires MPLS. To support BGP AD, I’ll use R11 as RR:
! R11
router bgp 65000
template peer-policy vpls-policy
send-community extended
template peer-session vpls-session
remote-as 65000
update-source Loopback0
bgp router-id
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor inherit peer-session vpls-session
neighbor inherit peer-session vpls-session
address-family l2vpn vpls
neighbor activate
neighbor inherit peer-policy vpls-policy
neighbor activate
neighbor inherit peer-policy vpls-policy
R7 looks like this, and R8 is configure the same execpt for the BGP router ID:
! R7
router bgp 65000
bgp router-id
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor remote-as 65000
neighbor update-source Loopback0
address-family l2vpn vpls
neighbor activate
neighbor send-community extended
Verification of the peerings on R11:
R11#sh bgp l2vpn vpls all summary | be Neighbor
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 65000 73 76 3 0 0 01:00:29 1 4 65000 70 73 3 0 0 00:59:46 1
R11#sh bgp l2vpn vpls all | be Network
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher: 65000:1
*>i 65000:1: 0 100 0 ?
*>i 65000:1: 0 100 0 ?
The reason why we see this odd looking /96 NLRI in the BGP table is because of the RD (64-bit) and the IP address (32-bit). You might wonder where the RD comes from. To explain this, I’ll first have to show the VFI configuration:
! R7
l2vpn vfi context H-VPLS
vpn id 1
autodiscovery bgp signaling ldp
Here a vpn id is specified. In fact you must specify the vpn id before you can configure anything else under the VFI. The vpn id is essential, because it defines the id of this l2vpn service. It is also used as part of the RD in this format: ASN:VPN_ID (65000:1) as we can see in the BGP verification output of R11 above. With the VFI BGP AD default configuration, auto-route-target is enabled. This makes the RT the same value as the RD. We can see this by looking at the NLRI for R8 on R7:
R7#sh bgp l2vpn vpls rd 65000:1
BGP routing table entry for 65000:1:, version 3
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table L2VPN-VPLS-BGP-Table)
Flag: 0x20
Not advertised to any peer
Refresh Epoch 2
Local (metric 20) from (
Origin incomplete, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best, AGI version(2399141890)
Extended Community: RT:65000:1 L2VPN AGI:65000:1
Originator:, Cluster list:
mpls labels in/out exp-null/exp-null
rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0
If we look at a packet capture taken on R11’s Gi1 interface, we can also verify this:
Again we see the 65000:1 value.
As soon as BGP AD has been configured under the VFI, we would like to see an LDP peering between R7 and R8:
%LDP-5-NBRCHG: LDP Neighbor (3) is UP
To verify split horizon we can look at the VFI:
R7#sh vfi
Legend: RT=Route-target, S=Split-horizon, Y=Yes, N=No
VFI name: H-VPLS, state: up, type: multipoint, signaling: LDP
VPN ID: 1, VPLS-ID: 65000:1
RD: 65000:1, RT: 65000:1
Bridge-Domain 1 attachment circuits:
Neighbors connected via pseudowires:
Peer Address VC ID Discovered Router ID S 1 Y 1 n/a N 1 n/a N
Split horizon is enabled towards our other N-PE, R8. It is disabled, however, towards R5 and R6. We’ll see how and why below.
Next we need a bridge domain to tie it all together. A bridge domain represents a L2 broadcast domain consisting of interfaces that share the same forwarding characteristics. We need it to be able to bridge traffic between both PWs and physical interfaces. The former is only used on the U-PE.
! R7
bridge-domain 1
member vfi H-VPLS
member 1 encapsulation mpls
member 1 encapsulation mpls
This configuration is very similar to how you would configure PEs manually under a VFI. The reason why we configure the U-PEs under the bridge domain instead of under the VFI, is to disable split horizon for loop prevention. We want traffic to be forwarded further downstream towards our egress PE, the U-PE. Had we configured the U-PE under the VFI, traffic would not be sent out to any neighbors in that VFI once received. We can however bridge it out an interface, or to other PWs. This is essentially what makes VPLS hierarchical.
To finalize how we configure H-VPLS, let’s have a look at the U-PEs:
! R6
l2vpn vfi context VPLS
vpn id 1
member encapsulation mpls
bridge-domain 1
member GigabitEthernet1 service-instance 1
member vfi VPLS
interface GigabitEthernet1
no ip address
negotiation auto
service instance 1 ethernet
encapsulation default
The only difference here is that we have the UNI, Gi1. I’m a bit lazy here with my catch-all configuration of encapsulation default. This will match all ingress frames. If you configure other non-default service instances on the interface, the encapsultaion default command matches frames that are unmatched by those non-default service instances - a catch-all essentially.
As a final verification, we should be able to see the MAC addresses of our CEs:
R6#sh bridge-domain 1
Bridge-domain 1 (2 ports in all)
State: UP Mac learning: Enabled
Aging-Timer: 300 second(s)
GigabitEthernet1 service instance 1
vfi VPLS neighbor 1
AED MAC address Policy Tag Age Pseudoport
0 5000.0002.0000 forward dynamic 281 GigabitEthernet1.EFP1
0 5000.0003.0000 forward dynamic 278 VPLS.1004011
0 5000.0004.0000 forward dynamic 285 VPLS.1004011
1 FFFF.FFFF.FFFF flood static 0 OLIST_PTR:0xe80f8400
0 5000.0001.0000 forward dynamic 286 VPLS.1004011
Surely we see 5000.0002.0000 out Gi1 on R6. This is the MAC address of R2’s Gi1 interface. Also we see the MAC addresses of R1, R3, and R4 out a PW towards R7, our N-PE.
This wraps up how you configure H-VPLS. To make the article complete, I’ll include the configuration of R1 and R2:
! R1
interface GigabitEthernet1
ip address
ip ospf network point-to-multipoint
ip ospf 1 area 0
! R2
interface GigabitEthernet1
ip address
ip ospf network point-to-multipoint
ip ospf 1 area 0
R2#sh ip ospf neighbor
Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 0 FULL/ - 00:01:57 GigabitEthernet1 0 FULL/ - 00:01:50 GigabitEthernet1 0 FULL/ - 00:01:38 GigabitEthernet1
Now R1 and R2 can become OSPF adjacent over H-VPLS making the SP network transparent to the customer.
We can even take a look at the labels used. To demonstrate that we do in fact use a label stack just like with L3 VPNs, I’ll disable the link between R7 and R8, making the path between them go through R11, the RR, just to avoid PHP.
! R7
interface GigabitEthernet3
ip address
ip router isis
negotiation auto
isis network point-to-point
Now let’s take a look at the MPLS VC to R8:
R7#sh mpls l2transport vc destination detail
Local interface: VFI H-VPLS vfi up
Interworking type is Ethernet
Destination address:, VC ID: 1, VC status: up
Output interface: Gi4, imposed label stack {19 22}
Preferred path: not configured
Default path: active
Next hop:
Create time: 11:34:59, last status change time: 01:06:07
Last label FSM state change time: 01:06:07
Signaling protocol: LDP, peer up
Targeted Hello: Id) ->, LDP is UP
Graceful restart: not configured and not enabled
Non stop routing: not configured and not enabled
Status TLV support (local/remote) : enabled/supported
LDP route watch : enabled
Label/status state machine : established, LruRru
Last local dataplane status rcvd: No fault
Last BFD dataplane status rcvd: Not sent
Last BFD peer monitor status rcvd: No fault
Last local AC circuit status rcvd: No fault
Last local AC circuit status sent: No fault
Last local PW i/f circ status rcvd: No fault
Last local LDP TLV status sent: No fault
Last remote LDP TLV status rcvd: No fault
Last remote LDP ADJ status rcvd: No fault
MPLS VC labels: local 22, remote 22
AGI: type 1, len 8, 000A FDE8 0000 0001
Local AII: type 1, len 4, 0707 0707 (
Remote AII: type 1, len 4, 0808 0808 (
Group ID: local n/a, remote n/a
MTU: local 1500, remote 1500
Remote interface description:
Sequencing: receive disabled, send disabled
Control Word: On (configured: autosense)
SSO Descriptor:, local label: 22
SSM segment/switch IDs: 24590/4106 (used), PWID: 4
VC statistics:
transit packet totals: receive 0, send 3710
transit byte totals: receive 0, send 480685
transit packet drops: receive 3056, seq error 0, send 0
A lot of information is included in this output. I keep the complete output for reference. Here is a more relevant filtered output:
R7#sh mpls l2transport vc destination detail | in VFI|VC_ID|stack|labels
Local interface: VFI H-VPLS vfi up
Destination address:, VC ID: 1, VC status: up
Output interface: Gi4, imposed label stack {19 22}
MPLS VC labels: local 22, remote 22
For this VFI we impose a label stack of {19 22} when forwarding traffic towards R8. Our local label for this VC ID is 22 which happens to be the same value as the one received by R8.
The transport label, 19, can be verified by looking a the LFIB on R7:
R7#sh mpls forwarding-table 32
Local Outgoing Prefix Bytes Label Outgoing Next Hop
Label Label or Tunnel Id Switched interface
18 19 0 Gi4
R7#sh ip cef
nexthop GigabitEthernet4 label 19
If we look at a packet capture on R11’s Gi1 interface, we should be able to see these labels:
Here we see the verification of our label stack of 19, our top most label, and 22, our VPN label for the VC. We also see how the entire L2 frame is encapsulated in MPLS.
To sum up, with H-VPLS, our N-PEs still need a full mesh of PWs between them. BGP Auto Discovery helps us by not having to configure a full mesh of PWs between our PEs manually. To circumvent split horizon on the VFI, we define the U-PEs under the bridge domain of our N-PEs. The peering between N-PEs and U-PEs are manually defined as BGP AD isn’t supported here.
That it. I hope you enjoyed reading this post.